Microelephant Simple Point of Sale (PHP Scripts)

Microelephant Simple Point of Sale is a simple yet very useful web based software, suitable for small organizations. This application will come in handy for organizations that deal with multiple units for each item and looking for an easy to use solution.


1. Create Items (Products & Services)
2. Sales Tax & Discount for each item
3. Provision for multiple Unit of Measurement for each item (This option is helpful when you purchase in one UOM, but sell in a different UOM)
4. Stock Sheet
5. Manage Inventory (Add or adjust inventory items)
6. For items with multiple units, upon adding it to inventory or selling it out, in any unit, the system will automatically adjust the stocks for the rest of its related units accordingly
7. Nice and easy to use Point of Sale Interface with Receipt printing option
8. Automatically rounds up price in Point of Sale
9. Option to setup your own Sales Receipt number and Currency
10. Add customer without leaving POS Screen
11. Create New Users (Roles: 1. Administrator 2. Sales Person)
12. Create Expense Category and Enter your Expenses
13. Informative Dashboard
14. Reports:
a. Sales Summary
b. Sales Summary by Item
c. Inventory Valuation
d. Inventory Movement
e. Income/Profit or Loss Statement
f. Sales Tax Liability
g. Price Round
h. Expenses

Built using Laravel Framework, version 5.4

Anyone with knowledge of Laravel Framework can easily customize this application

Live Demo

Login as Administrator:
URL : http://demo.microelephant.io/simple-pos/
Login ID : admin@demo.com
Password : 123456

Login as Sales Person:
URL : http://demo.microelephant.io/simple-pos/
Login ID : sales@demo.com
Password : 123456

Server Requiements

PHP >= 5.6.4
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension

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