Kandi UMS- Powerfull User Management System (PHP Scripts)

KANDI UMS is a PHP application built up around the CodeIgniter framework(version 1.0.0), that allowing the registration and administration of users.It can be used as a base platform for any CodeIgniter based web applications. It provide secure login, authentication, authorization and complete user management.

If you already have an existing PHP application, and you want to add user login, registration and user role management features,then you need to move your application to CodeIgniter framework and incorporate it inside KANDI UMS application.

Demo Logins

username : superadmin
password: admin

username: imran
password: imran


Built with CodeIgniter 3.1
Secure user registration and login
Password reset
Secure password algorithm using sha1
Avatar and logo upload
Login with email or username
Interactive Dashboard
Powerful admin panel
Manage permissions
Assign permission to users
Easy installation using installation wizard
Built using AdminLTE
Client side and server side form validation
Fully object oriented

Note: If you have any problem regarding installation or modification or anything else, don’t hesitate to knock at our door
Email: info@beb300.com

Thank you for purchasing our sweet UMS

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