Upload Files from Ionic Angular to Firebase Storage.

Upload Files from Ionic Angular to Firebase Storage. Nowadays Google Firebase is my most favorite application. This is offering great web solutions like hosting, authentication, storage and database in a simple way. This article explains how to upload images(supports video) into Firebase storage with Ionic and Angular applications. This covers the user authentication part to protect storage uploads and improving…

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Setup SSH authentication with PEM RSA file without password on ubuntu/linux server

Setup SSH authentication with PEM RSA file without password on ubuntu/linux server Recently I have been working with Raspberry PI and creating my own home server to host some of my demo projects. This post is about setting up SSH authentication with a PEM certificate file without password on ubuntu/linux server. Implement the following steps and improve the security. Go…

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Environment Variables in Apache and Xampp

Environment Variables in Apache and Xampp Few days back one of my friend’s project database credentials got exposed. After some investigation, we realized that it is because of the .git config commit. I would recommend configuring your sensitive credentials with operating system environment variables. This way you can protect information from the code base. This post will explain how to…

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Automated Deployment of PHP Application using Github Push.

Automated Deployment of PHP Application using Github Push. Nowadays most of my side projects are managed with Github. It has more advantages and flexibility to manage file versions. I am following a different webhook system to automatically deploy my old PHP projects. Not sure about the standards, but the following solution is an alternative approach that may solve your deployment…

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Event Emitters Component Interactions in Angular Ionic

Event Emitters Component Interactions in Angular Ionic This article is more about understanding the Event Emitters in Angular and Ionic. Data flow is the most important when you build an application to communicate with components. Event Emitters will help you to even bind using @Input @Output decorators. Here is a simple example to display and update the user profile using…

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Create a RESTful API using Node and Express with MySQL Database

Create a RESTful API using Node and Express with MySQL Database Node Express web framework is a best solution to create RESTful APIs in quick time. Previously we published some concepts with different technologies like PHP and Java. This article will explain to you a more simple way to use external plugins to enrich your project APIs. Here you will…

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Create Angular NPM Package and Publish

Create Angular NPM Package and Publish Are you interested to create and publish NPM packages/libraries to enrich Angular functionality? Take a quick look at this post. You can share solutions with other developers. A simple package can solve many problems and resolve the issue quickly. If you are working with multiple applications? Package approach will help you to solve the…

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Deploy NodeJS Express Application to Firebase as Function.

Deploy NodeJS Express Application to Firebase as Function. Few days back I posted an article about how to implement restful apis using the Node Express and MySql. In this post I am going to discuss deploying NodeJS RESTful apis with Express framework to the Firebase functions. This is helpful when you deal with external endpoints which need secret keys. Google…

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Angular Routing with Lazy Loading Design Pattern

Angular Routing with Lazy Loading Design Pattern Lazy loading is a design pattern to implement large scale Angular projects. Using this system design we can load the components based on the application need. This way we can increase the application performance. This article is a continues of Angular routing project, please follow Go to Source Author: Powered by WPeMatico

Getting Started with Ionic React and Capacitor

Getting Started with Ionic React and Capacitor Ionic is the most popular framework for Angular mobile application development. Now Ionic announced with React beta and Vue Js. This post is about getting started with Ionic React with Capacitor(Ionic Product). The Capacitor is a native bride for Cross-Platform for building universal applications. This blog post will explain how to set up…

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