Botble Core – Powerful starter core for Laravel projects (Miscellaneous)

Botble Core v.3.3 – The powerful starer core for any project using Laravel >= 5.6

Created: 2018/09/10
By: Botble Technologies

Thank you for purchasing our product. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here or via skype live:minhsang2603 for quickly support. Thanks so much!


Demo account is auto fill in the login form.


  1. Apache, nginx, or another compatible web server.
  2. PHP >= 7.1.3 >> Higher
  3. MySQL Database server
  4. PDO PHP Extension
  5. OpenSSL PHP Extension
  6. Mbstring PHP Extension
  7. Exif PHP Extension
  8. Fileinfo Extension
  9. XML PHP Extension
  10. Ctype PHP Extension
  11. JSON PHP Extension
  12. Tokenizer PHP Extension
  13. Module Re_write server
  14. PHP_CURL Module Enable


1/ Dashboard

Flexible dashboard with widgets management. Easy to add and manage widgets.

2/ User management & CRUD with datatables

3/ Media

4/ Roles & Permissions

5/ Setting

General setting to manage website

Setting for email & email template. You can easy to update your email template from web interface

6/ Cache

Easy to clear your caches from the website

7/ System information

Able to see all information about your website. It’s easier to debug error.

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